A Celebration included us drawing of Kolam & cooking of delicious Pongal outside where direct sun light was present. A fire wood hearth was set up using three bricks. The cooking began by putting a clay pot with water on the hearth. Once the water had boiled each TYO member ceremoniously put a handful of rice in. Then other ingredients of this special dish are added e.g. chakkarai (brown cane sugar) milk, cashew nuts etc.
Anticipation grew as everyone watched the milk gradually boil up and people began to say “Pongal-o Pongal” as the milk boiled over into the sunlight. Finally after spending so much time the cold, everyone gathered inside, to enjoy eating their Pongal while enjoying a game of Carrom!
On behalf of TYO, we like to thank Krishna cash and carry for sponsoring the event this year, and making this event possible.
Full pics: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/media/set/?set=a.546112558741499.124180.323626334323457&type=1