Mullivaikal is no longer just the name of an area in Tamileelam. It now holds the memory of a horrific event that transpired during the last stages of the war, the peak of the #Tamil …
Tamil youth across the world endorse the Eelam Tamil Sovereignty Declaration
Today Tamil Youth Organisation from the diaspora and youth movements from Tamil Nadu recognises the Sovereignty of the Eelam Tamil nation and the principles of the struggle, deliberated at the TYO UK conference. The activists …
Tamils in London protests against Australia’s detention of 46 refugees
We, as members of the British Tamil Community along with the other concerned citizens of the United Kingdom are deeply disturbed by Australia’s policy of indefinitely detaining legitimate and recognised refugees and are writing to …
TYOUK commemorates Tamil New Year & Thai Pongal
பிரித்தானிய தமிழ் இளையோர் அமைப்பின் 4வது வருட தமிழ்ப் புத்தாண்டு மற்றும் பொங்கல் விழா 4வது வருடமாக லண்டன் Tooting பகுதியில் தமிழ் இளையோர் அமைப்பினரால் ஞாயிறு பிற்பகல் 14.30 மணி தொடக்கம் தமிழ்ப் புத்தாண்டு மற்றும் பொங்கல் விழா சிறப்பாக கொண்டாடப்பெற்றது. பொதுச்சுடர் ஏற்றல் மற்றும் தேசியக்கொடி …

Tamil research conference massacre -10.01.1974
Tamils were preparing on a grand scale to hold a Tamil Research conference in Jaffna during 3-10 January in 1974. The government of Sri Lanka at that time did not like holding this Tamil research …

Youth voice determination and resoluteness to continue the fight for freedom of the Eelam Tamil nation
Members of the TYOUK Voice their determination and resoluteness to continue to fight for the freedom of the Eelam Tamil nation. As 2013 comes to an end and we all welcome the new year of …
TYOUK PR for Maaveerar Naal 2013: We will fight until an independent sovereign state of Tamil Eelam is achieved
Today, I salute the soldiers who fought for my freedom. Today, I bow to the fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, sons and daughters who put their life on hold so I could have a better life. …
Navi Pillay’s visit to Sri Lanka, what does this mean to the Tamils?
Published on Reach Magazine Vol 2 Written by Sanju Ganesan, TYOUK member Navanethem Pillay (Navi Pillay), High Commissioner for United Nations Human Rights visited the genocidal state of Sri Lanka to assess the progress it …
Political Struggle
Published on Reach Magazine Vol 1 Written by Sanju Ganesan, TYOUK member Waging a national liberation struggle to secure the political aspirations of a people is not a new phenomenon. The national liberation struggle to …
TYOUK strongly condemns the decision taken by the PM David Cameron, to attend the Commonwealth Summit hosted by the genocidal, chauvinist state of Sri Lanka
For Immediate Release 11th November 2013 The Tamil Youth Organisation UK strongly condemns the decision taken by the Prime Minister, Mr David Cameron, to attend the Commonwealth Summit hosted by the genocidal, chauvinist state of …