We, the undersigned Tamil youth and student organisations of the United Kingdom, strongly condemn the aggressive harassment and intimidation against Jaffna University students trying to remember their war dead, and the violent attacks carried out …
Tamil youth in the UK to highlight the violence against the Jaffna University students
A protest march was organised in London from Temple Station to 10 Downing Street on Saturday, Tamil youth in the UK to highlight the violence against the Jaffna University students by the occupying Sri Lankan …
Amnesty UCLU panel asks – ‘Sri Lanka: Genocide?’
To a packed room of London university students, panellists Thusiyan Nandakumar of the Tamil Youth Organisation UK (TYOUK), Fred Carver of Sri Lanka Campaign, Madurika Rasaratnam of Tamils Against Genocide (TAG) and Alan Keenan of …
பருதி அண்ணா அவர்களுக்கு வீரவணக்கம்
நவம்பர் 10, 2012 எண்பதுகளில் தொடங்கி இற்றை வரை தனது வாழ்நாளில் தேசியத்துக்காக உழைத்த ‘பருதி‘ என்று அழைக்கப்படும் பிரான்ஸ் தமிழர் ஒருங்கிணைப்புக்கு குழுவின் பொறுப்பாளர் திரு. நடராஜா மதீந்திரன் அவர்கள் சென்ற வியாழக்கிழமை, நவம்பர் 08, 2012 அன்று பிரான்சின் பாரீஸ் நகரில் படுகொலை செய்யப்பட்டுள்ள செய்தி …
TYO UK endorses call for an international, independent investigation into the crimes of genocide
Joining Tamil political parties and civil society activists from the North-East, Tamil diaspora organisations from around the world, and Tamil Nadu political parties and civil society activists, at the World Tamil Conference on 7th and …
TYO-UK Statement on Sri Lanka’s UPR
The United Nations Human Rights Council’s (UNHRC) 2nd Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Sri Lanka formally concluded on Monday the 5th of November 2012, with the outcome once again confirming the urgent need for drastic action …

TYO UK’s submission to Sri Lanka’s 2nd cycle of UPR
Following on from TYO UK’s advocacy work at the UN Human Rights Council, a submission was made to the 14th session of Universal Periodic Review (UPR), expressing concern at Sri Lanka’s intimidation and violence against …
TYO Canada and Tamil Student Associations mark Transition 2012
The Tamil Youth Organization – Canada hosted its third annual Transition Ceremony on September 21. The event is held every year to mark the importance Tamil Students’ Associations (TSAs) across Canada play in …
Freedom to dance – Aadukalam 2012
Tamil youths from across the globe came together last Saturday to participate in Global Tamil Youth League’s international dance contest Aadukalam, hosted this year by TYO-UK in London. Teams from Canada, Malaysia, Denmark, Switzerland, Germany …

“Emmuyir Thamile” to promote Ilanthalir 2012
TYO UK proudly presents EMMUYIR THAMILE! lyrics by PulavarSivananthan, Music by Jude Jeyaraj and Sung by: Jackson Bosco. To promote •★• ILANTHALIR 2012•★• Download here: Emmuyir Thamile Play: [haiku url=”http://www.tyouk.org/ilanthalir/song/EMUYIR+THAMILE.mp3″ title=”Emmuyir Thamilae”] [yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAlxc2HzdeY&feature=youtu.be’] Produced …