Second Day – 16th Sept 1987
The journey of his sacrifice.
At 5am Thileepan Anna woke up for the day. He freshened up and used the rest room but did not have any bowel movement. Although sadness could be seen in his face, he carried on having conversations with a smile. He read all the daily newspapers.
At 10am the performances began. Thevar was the chair of the events today. There was fierce competition from the younger generation to register their names to recite poems at the event. Nitharsanam videographers were capturing videos and photos at all angles.
Whilst the poem recitals were taking place Thileepan Anna asked for the microphone to be brought so that he could do a speech. Thileepan Anna was told that he would get tired due to not consuming any food or water. Thileepan Anna requested to speak for only two minutes and then he would stop. He pleaded for the microphone to be brought. He looked pitiable. His eyes were drained and face dull, however his pleasant smile remained unchanged. Thileepan Anna was given permission to speak for two minutes and Thevar had informed the audience that Thileepan Anna would speak. The audience were ecstatic.
Thileepan Anna’s Speech:
‘Vanakkam to my beloved people. As I am unable to stand and speak, I am going to sit whilst speaking. I do not know whether I will be in a state to be able to talk to you tomorrow so I would like to talk to you today. I am resolute in our goal. We have lost up to 650 martyrs till today. Miller spoke his last words to me. I was with him till the very end. ‘I am pleased and satisfied that I am sacrificing my life for my mother land. My only worry is that I will not be able to witness our people achieving freedom through my own eyes’.
Thileepan Anna goes on to say:
I knew almost all the 650 martyrs. That I will not be able to forget. I recall Thalaivar’s words when I went to seek his permission before beginning this hunger strike. ‘Thileepa, you go on ahead, I will follow behind’. You have a Thalaivar who has clarity and values the freedom of our people over his own life. Let the peoples’ war erupt under his great leadership. This revolution will achieve Tamil Eelam and the basic rights of the Tamil nation. I will watch this joyfully from above with the rest of the martyrs.

I am confident that our people will, one day, achieve their freedom. It gives me great satisfaction and contentment that I am fulfilling a national responsibility to the nation. It is a real and resolute aim. My last wish is that you achieve this aim by standing with our Thalaivar.’ He spoke slowly with fatigue but authoritatively which made people shed tears.
Later Thalaivar visited Thileepan Anna. He stroked Thileepan Anna’s head as he laid their exhausted. You could see the affection of a father and the love of a mother in those strokes.
At midnight Thileepan Anna began to fall asleep.