Ninth Day -23rd Sept 1987
The Journey of his sacrifice.
At dawn, around 5am due East near the chariot gate on a neem tree a bird was tweeting. The birds tweet sounded very anxious. What had this bird lost to tweet in such a way? There was a reason to watch Thileepan Anna with anxiety, but this bird…?

To save us, to save our nation our ‘bird’, Thileepan Anna, was sacrificing himself. Can the world still not hear its sad cry? Thileepan Anna’s organs were losing function. His lips were moving but there was no sound. His lips were cracked and white. Where there were eyes there are two big ditches.
This morning around 8.30am about 5000 students from seventeen schools in Jaffna filled the arena, all with tear filled eyes. Students and staff from Jaffna university came in masses. At around 9am thousands of civilians protested in front of the Indian Army’s Jaffna Fort Camp and blocked their main entrance. As Thileepan Anna’s health deteriorated the cries of the public also intensified. Everyone thought of Thileepan Anna as a member of their own household.
This morning, the Indian Army’s South division’s Captain Lieutenant General Depinder Singh arrived via a helicopter at the Jaffna university field. He met the LTTE leader Prabhakaran. Later, they both set off on their respective vehicles towards the Jaffna Fort and went into the army camp. They both spent over an hour talking. However, only disappointment was achieved.
It was only after witnessing the uprising of the thousands of people involved in the blockade the captain must have come to meet Thalaivar Prabhakaran.
Around 10am the performances started at the stage adjacent to Thileepan Anna’s. On behalf of the people of India, Mr. Kanesarasa spoke: “The Indian government must fulfil the five demands put forward by the LTTE and end Thileepan Anna’s hunger strike. If not, the Indian government must take responsibility of the consequences.”
Those that came to see Thileepan Anna have been leaving their written feedback for a few days now. For this purpose, four cadres were sat in a corner writing tirelessly. Till now over 1500 had written their sorrowful comments.
The public protested in front of all government offices in the Jaffna district and prohibited any work from taking place. Thousands of people held a one-day hunger strike in solidarity with Thileepan Anna at the governmental sections of Sanganai Vice President and Pungudutivu President offices. Additionally, in smaller villages small groups of people were carrying out their own hunger strikes.
Everywhere and in everything, the power of Thileepan was being raised by the strength of the people. Yes! The people’s war had erupted.
Some Tamil Newspapers reported that many voluntary groups sent petitions to the Indian prime minister Mr. Rajiv Gandhi today requesting to fulfil Thileepan Anna’s demands.
1. யாழ் பிரஐகள் குழுக்களின் இணைப்புக்குழு. (இந்தியத் தூதுவர் ஊடாக அனுப்பப்பட்டது)
2. வட பிராந்திய மினி பஸ் சேவைச் சங்கம். (பிரதி தமிழக முதல்வருக்கும் அனுப்பப்பட்டது)
3. வட மாகாணம் பனம்பொருள் கூட்டுறவுச் சங்கங்களின் சமாஐம்
4. தொண்டைமானாறு கிராம மட்ட கடற் தொழில் சமூக அபிவிருத்திச் சங்கம்
5. வட பிராந்திய போக்குவரத்து ஊழியர் சங்கம் என்பன அவற்றில் சிலவாகும்.
Were some of the groups involved.
Today, when thousands went to hand a petition to the Indian Peace Keeping Force’s camp in Mannar and they started shooting in anger. In this one person is said to have died and a further 18 injured severely.
Today, the Indian diplomat Mr. Dixit has arrived to meet with Thalaivar Prabhakaran. From 1:30pm to 6:30pm both parties took part in peaceful negotiations.
The following were part of the Indian delegation:
Indian diplomat: Mr. J N Dixit, Indian Army’s South division’s Captain Lieutenant General Depinder Singh, Major General Harkirat Singh, Brigadier Fernandes and Captain Gupta.
The LTTE delegation comprised of: Thalaivar V. Prabhakaran, Mr. Anton Balasingham and a few others.
During the meeting all that was achieved was verbal confirmation from the Indian diplomat. They were not willing to provide anything in writing and this was obvious in their actions. Thileepan Anna’s hunger strike was destined to continue. It also highlighted Thileepan Anna’s journey towards martyrdom.