On May 18th, TYOUK embarked on an impactful journey to various Tamil schools across the UK, conducting educational sessions to deepen young minds’ understanding of the significance of the Mullivaikal Massacre and the Tamil Genocide. These sessions aimed to instil an appreciation for the sacrifices made by our ancestors and to ensure the preservation of Tamil history and identity for generations to come.
Hendon Tamil School:
At Hendon Tamil School, TYOUK shared the harrowing history of the Mullivaikal Genocide, helping students grasp the gravity of the events that unfolded in 2009. To conclude the session, Kanji – a simple rice porridge symbolic of resilience during the conflict – was distributed. Kanji holds immense cultural and historical value, as it was a vital sustenance for civilians and our freedom fighters during the peak of the armed struggle. Students learnt how this humble dish became a lifeline and a testament to survival, even amidst unspeakable atrocities.
Hillingdon Tamil School:
TYOUK visited classrooms at Hillingdon Tamil School to educate children about the Mullivaikal Massacre, marking 15 years since the tragedy. Through these sessions, students learned about the Sri Lankan state’s brutal use of banned chemical weapons and multi-barrel rocket launchers, even in so-called “No Fire” zones, where innocent Tamil civilians sought refuge. The workshop shed light on the atrocities faced by the Tamil Nation and emphasised the importance of remembrance as a form of resistance.
Dartford Tamil School:
At Dartford Tamil School, TYOUK led an interactive session inviting a student to narrate the events of the Tamil Genocide, day by day, from May 1st to May 18th. This exercise allowed students to trace the progression of the genocide and to better understand the devastating impact of these events on the Tamil people. By involving students in this manner, the workshop encouraged active engagement and critical reflection on this crucial chapter of Tamil history.
Sutton Tamil School:
Through meaningful discussions, the students were introduced to the tragic events that unfolded in Mullivaikal, and the role of the Tamil nation in honouring the resilience and sacrifices of our community. The session also aimed to spark a deeper understanding of Tamil history and the ongoing struggle for justice.
Sutton’s students actively participated in discussions, showing a keen interest in learning about their heritage and understanding how these events shaped the Tamil identity.
Each of these workshops served as a vital platform for educating Tamil youth about the Mullivaikal Massacre. By fostering a deeper understanding of our shared history, TYOUK aims to empower the next generation to carry forward the legacy of those who fought and sacrificed for our freedom.
Through storytelling, symbolic practices, and active participation, these sessions ensured that the significance of Maaveerar Naal remains deeply rooted in the hearts and minds of our youth, continuing the journey towards justice and remembrance.